Invitation: Brinkhof Symposium | Elections in the digital age

Invitation: Brinkhof Symposium | Elections in the digital age

On Wednesday 9 October 2024, the annual Internet Thesis Award Ceremony will take place at Brinkhof’s offices in Amsterdam. The prize will be awarded during a symposium dedicated to online risks for election processes and their legal implications – a hot topic in the big election year of 2024 (e.g. European Parliament elections, US presidential elections and national elections in various countries worldwide). During the symposium, a keynote speaker and expert panelists will give their views on this topic.

Some of the sub topics that will be discussed: disinformation & manipulation, political ads and micro targeting, the role of generative AI, content moderation, and the obligation of large online platforms to mitigate risks to election processes under new European regulations.

If you are interested in attending the event, please register here. The symposium is open to all students, lawyers, academics and other professional enthusiasts. For lawyers, attending the symposium can earn you 2 PO points.

Date: October 9, 2024 | Time: 13:30 – 17:00 | Location: Brinkhof, Amsterdam

Programme outline:*

13.30 – Opening

13.35 – Keynote

14.15 – Interactive workshop about generative AI and misinformation

15.00 – Break

15.30 – Presentations by three finalists for the Thesis Award

16.00 – Panel discussion

17.00 – Jury report, award ceremony and networking reception

* Speakers will be announced soon

Please note that only part of the programme will be held in English (workshop)

Brinkhof Internet Thesis Award: call for theses!

This year, Brinkhof will again award the Internet Thesis Award for the best legal master’s thesis on the intersection of the internet and law. The prize is intended for master’s students who graduated from a Dutch law school in the year 2023 or 2024.

The €2,000 prize is intended to encourage students to specialise in important current themes, such as the regulation of all kinds of internet platforms (think, for example, of the Digital Services Act), privacy as an instrument of control in the information society, questions concerning artificial intelligence and all other legal questions that interface with internet technology.

Theses can be submitted (to: by the student or thesis supervisor until 9 August 2024, indicating the following details:
– Student’s name
– Correspondence address
– Name of university, thesis discipline and date of graduation

– Language of the thesis (i.e. Dutch or English)
– A mark sheet or grade list showing the thesis grade
– The master’s thesis as a searchable PDF file– Optional: a letter of recommendation from the thesis supervisor

The award ceremony will take place 9 October 2024 (exact date might be subject to change) at a legal symposium in Amsterdam (to be announced later). During the ceremony, three finalists will be invited to briefly present their thesis, after which the jury will determine the winner and award the prize. In the assessment, in addition to the personal presentation, the originality and social relevance of the topic will weigh in, together with the overall quality and depth of the thesis.

For questions, please contact us by sending an e-mail to:


The Brinkhof AI Symposium and Internet Thesis Award ceremony will take place this Wednesday! The final programme alone should be reason enough to register:

13:30 – Opening

13:35 – Keynote by prof. Bernt Hugenholtz (Brinkhof / UvA)

14:15 – Workshop by Manel Slokom (TU Delft / CBS) on responsible recommender systems

15:00 – Break

15:30 – Presentations by three finalists for the Internet Thesis Award

16:00 – Panel Discussion with Stefan Kulk (Senior Advisor on Algorithms and AI at the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (Dutch DPA), Ben Zevenbergen (Responsible Innovation Ethics & Policy Advisor at Google), Eva van der Graaf (PhD researcher Digital Justice at UvA), moderated by Eveline Lots (Brinkhof) and Dorien Verhulst (Brinkhof)

17:00 – Jury report, award ceremony, and networking reception

If you are interested in attending the event, please register here. The event is open to all legal and AI enthusiasts, including students, lawyers, academics, and other professionals. For lawyers, attending the symposium can earn you 2 PO points.

Date: October 11, 2023  Time: 13:30 – 17:00  Location:  Brinkhof Offices, Amsterdam

Programme announcement: Brinkhof AI Symposium & Internet Thesis Award Ceremony

On Wednesday 11 October (13:30 – 17:30), the annual Internet Thesis Award Ceremony will take place at Brinkhof’s offices in Amsterdam. In addition to the finalists’ thesis presentations, this year’s event will include a symposium on (generative) artificial intelligence—a subject of growing importance in the legal sphere (e.g. the upcoming AI Act). The symposium will include the following exciting elements:

  • A keynote presentation by prof. Bernt Hugenholtz
  • Manel Slokom (CWI – Research institute for mathematics & computer science / AI, Media & Democracy Lab) will provide insights on her research on responsible recommender systems
  • Three finalists will present their theses
  • Panel discussion with Stefan Kulk (Senior Advisor on Algorithms and AI at the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens), Ben Zevenbergen (Responsible Innovation Ethics & Policy Advisor at Google) and Dorien Verhulst (Brinkhof)
  • Finally, the jury (Joris van Hoboken (IViR), Suzanne Teijgeler (Warner Bros. Discovery) and Anke Strijbos (Brinkhof)) will declare the winner of this year’s Internet Thesis Award.

If you are interested in attending the event, please register here. The event is open to all legal and AI enthusiasts, including (but not limited to) students, lawyers, academics, and other professionals. For lawyers, attending the symposium can earn you 2 PO points.

Invitation: Brinkhof AI Symposium & Internet Thesis Award Ceremony

On Wednesday 11 October, the annual Internet Thesis Award Ceremony will take place at Brinkhof’s offices in Amsterdam. In addition to the finalists’ thesis presentations, this year’s event will include a dedicated symposium on (generative) artificial intelligence—a subject of growing importance in the legal sphere (think, for example, of the upcoming AI Act). During the symposium, a keynote speaker and panelists will express their views on this topic from different areas of expertise.

If you are interested in attending the event, please register here. The event is open to all legal and AI enthusiasts, including students, lawyers, academics, and other professionals.

For lawyers, attending the symposium can earn you 2 PO points.

Date: October 11, 2023  Time: 13:30 – 17:00  Location:  Brinkhof Offices, Amsterdam

Symposium program outline:

13:30 – Opening

13:35 – Keynote

14:15 – Interactive workshop

15:00 – Break

15:30 – Presentations by three finalists for the Thesis Award

16:00 – Panel Discussion

17:00 – Jury report, award ceremony, and networking reception

Deadline extended!

The end of the academic year is approaching and most master’s theses are now entering the final phase. To accommodate and parallel the study calendar, we have decided to move the deadline for thesis submissions for the Internet Thesis Award.

Theses can be submitted (to: by the student or thesis supervisor until 11 August 2023, indicating the following details:
– Student’s name
– Correspondence address
– Name of university, thesis discipline and date of graduation
– A mark sheet or grade list showing the thesis grade
– The master’s thesis as a searchable PDF file
– Optional: a letter of recommendation from the thesis supervisor

The award ceremony will take place 11 October 2023 at a legal symposium in Amsterdam (to be announced later). During the ceremony, three finalists will be invited to briefly present their thesis, after which the jury will determine the winner and award the prize. In the assessment, in addition to the personal presentation, the originality and social relevance of the topic will weigh in, together with the overall quality and depth of the thesis.

For questions, please contact us by sending an e-mail to:

Call for theses!

Next year, Brinkhof will again award the Internet Thesis Award for the best legal master’s thesis on the intersection of the internet and law. The prize is intended for master’s students who graduated from a Dutch law school in the year 2022 or 2023.

The €2,000 prize is intended to encourage students to specialise in important current themes, such as the regulation of all kinds of internet platforms (think, for example, of the Digital Services Act), privacy as an instrument of control in the information society, questions concerning artificial intelligence and all other legal questions that interface with internet technology.
Theses can be submitted (to: by the student or thesis supervisor until 1 June 2023, indicating the following details:
– Student’s name
– Correspondence address
– Name of university, thesis discipline and date of graduation
– A mark sheet or grade list showing the thesis grade
– The master’s thesis as a searchable PDF file
– Optional: a letter of recommendation from the thesis supervisor

The award ceremony will take place in autumn 2023 at a legal symposium in Amsterdam (to be announced later). During the ceremony, three finalists will be invited to briefly present their thesis, after which the jury will determine the winner and award the prize. In the assessment, in addition to the personal presentation, the originality and social relevance of the topic will weigh in, together with the overall quality and depth of the thesis.

For questions, please contact us by sending an e-mail to:

2021 Edition

Brinkhof is once again presenting the Internet Thesis Award this year for the best legal master’s thesis at the interface of the internet and law. The award is intended for master’s students who will have graduated from a Dutch law school in 2021.

The prize of € 2,000 is intended to encourage students to specialise in important current topics, such as the regulation of all kinds of internet platforms, privacy as a control instrument in the information society, questions concerning artificial intelligence and all other legal questions that are somehow connected to Internet technology.

Theses can be submitted by email until 31 December 2021 by the student or the thesis supervisor, stating the following details:

  • Student name
  • Correspondence address
  • Name of university, graduation discipline and (expected) date of graduation
  • A grade sheet or list showing the thesis grade
  • The master’s thesis as a searchable PDF file
  • Optionally: a letter of recommendation from the thesis supervisor

The award ceremony will take place in the spring of 2022 at a legal symposium in Amsterdam, to be announced later. Three finalists will be invited to briefly explain their thesis, after which the jury will determine the winner and award the prize. In addition to the personal presentation, the originality and social relevance of the subject matter will be taken into account in the assessment, along with the general quality and depth of the thesis.

Should you have any questions, please click .